Mozzie control for pets

Mozzie control for pets

Did you know that common pest repellents we use on ourselves are harmful to pets? Insect repellents that contain the following products can be toxic to pets, even fatal: DEET Citronella Eucalyptus oils Tea tree oil Many essential oils Never use a “dog-only”...
Spring/Summer Photo Competition Winner!

Spring/Summer Photo Competition Winner!

With so many georgous photos entered in to our Spring/Summer Photo competition we’re glad we didn’t have to choose a winner! Photos of pets having their spring clean and/or enjoying their favorite spring/summer activities such catching frisbies, swimming,...
Grass Seed Dangers in Dogs

Grass Seed Dangers in Dogs

Grass-seed season: medical problems caused by grass seeds peak in spring… Most dogs love to run and play in the yard, but for some, it can end up being a less-than-pleasant experience. Grass seed wounds – if ignored they can cause a lot of pain and...
Pet Friendly Garden Checklist

Pet Friendly Garden Checklist

Dog-Friendly Gardening Tips and Ideas for the Perfect Pet-Friendly Green Space. Spring is here at last! We bet all the green-thumbed folks out there can’t wait to get back to working in their gardens! Of course, your dog is also excited to spend more time outdoors....
So your pet has fleas, now what?

So your pet has fleas, now what?

Fleas love warmer weather…and your pet. Rather unhelpfully, the warm weather brings yet another unexpected challenge and one that will make plenty of pet owners shudder: fleas are well and truly thriving.   What are fleas? Fleas are one of those pests that...